Export Your Twitter Followers


  1. Go to the settings page
  2. Create a Twitter app and enter in your Twitter API credentials
  3. Create a postgresql database and enter your database settings
  4. Return to the home page
  5. Click the "Log Follower ID's" button to start logging your Twitter followers - don't close or refresh the page for at least a minute
  6. Click the "Lookup Follower Profiles" button to start looking up the profiles of your Twitter followers - don't close or refresh the page for at least a minute
  7. Repeat the previous two steps for your followees
  8. View your followers and followees on their respective pages and click the "Message" button to send a direct message to a user or a group of users


Follower ID's logged


Follower profiles logged


Followee ID's logged


Followee profiles logged


List Building

Profile Lookups